life cycle sustainability assessment

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life cycle sustainability assessment

Overview of sustainability assessment results. For instance, Moriizumi et al. GP), IRR (no GP), IRR (incl. One solution to this problem is multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA), also referred to as multicriteria decision-making. With the results we supply the basis for strategic decisions for sustainable action. Combination of environmental and social life cycle assessments along with life cycle costing leads to life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA). This book highlights various aspects of life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA). An ECI Conference Series WasteLCA_3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment for Waste Management and Resource Optimization FREE WEBINARS Dear WasteLCA_3 Conference … The goal of ILCSA is to provide comprehensive ex-ante decision support from a sustainability point of view in the process of establishing new technologies, processes, or products. Furthermore, two of them refer to electricity and power generation (Li et al., 2018; Stamford and Azapagic, 2012), but neither of them uses waste as the energy source. Framework for life cycle sustainability assessment of municipal solid waste management systems with an application to a case study in Thailand Waste Manag Res. Course description. Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA), as the combination of life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle costing (LCC), and social life cycle … An index can be either simple or weighted depending on its purpose (Singh et al., 2012). 114-S27 Methodology for Life-Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Building Structures by M. C. Caruso, C. Menna, D. Asprone, A. Prota, and G. Manfredi Jeswani and Azapagic (2012) reviewed different studies of the second generation biodiesel and summarized the discussions from environmental (GHG emissions, land use, biodiversity loss, and water use), economic (feedstock costs, capital cost, and biofuel price) and social (job creation, regional development, and public acceptability) perspective. This is where life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) and life cycle sustainability management (LCSM) come into play. This book is a selection of the most relevant contributions to the LCM 2011 conference in Berlin. One of the very first articles published by a scientific journal on this subject was an overview of the potential of multi-criteria assessment of fuels (Zhou et al., 2007). EIkpi is determined by the characterization impact factors for input resource r (EIfr,kpiin ) or emitted compound c (EIfc,kpiout) and the input or output flows (Fr,sinorFc,sout) and concentrations (Xr,sinorXc,sout) at phytoremediation-biorefinery process s and/or associated life cycle stage s. By feeding the lab-derived data and conceptual design into the simulators, the proposed approach can generate refinery process flowsheets, including mass and energy flow rates, elemental or chemical flows. Economy: Economic performance largely depends on the use option of the biomass. Composite index needs to be designed within a coherent framework to ensure the specific parameters involved in the assessment process can change over time based on the interests of the particular stakeholders. LCSA yields a large quantity of data due to the need to perform a holistic assessment across the three pillars of sustainability. The sustainability performance of the light rail transit system is evaluated using a cradle-to-grave approach to assess three aspects of sustainability. A Life Cycle Assessment uses a variety of data to analyze the entire life cycle of a product. It is used for the design, development, analysis, and optimization of technology processes. Authors S N M Menikpura 1 . Application of life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) and the life cycle sustainability dashboard (LCSD) for comparing different PV modules. Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Laboratory (LCSAL) The focus of the lab is to develop tools and conduct sustainability assessment of various energy technologies, conventional as well as alternative, in a life cycle perspective. We perform Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) and Critical Reviews in accordance with ISO 14040/44 for products and services. For pavements, this includes the operation, maintenance, and end of life phases, and factors such as traffic delay, lighting demand, and future maintenance. Sustainability Concepts: Life Cycle Analysis A. To advance the understanding of technical feasibility and sustainable design solutions of such phytoremediation-biorefinery value chains, we propose to adopt a simulation–evaluation–optimization approach. Found insideSuch questions are at the heart of the emerging discipline of industrial ecology, covered in Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology. In the former, the analysis is rerun using different underlying assumptions: an approach explored further in Section 3. They also used technical indicators as energy balance, energy payback period, and operational reliability. Environmental life cycle stages Table 1 Stages and stakeholders assessed in each stage of the S-LCA Social Assessment The social component of the study adopted a Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) approach. Some scenarios can compete well with equivalent conventional options; others are not expected to be profitable under the assessed conditions. To establish bio-refineries as mature choices and achieve the commercialization of their technologies, the application of sustainable solutions during the design and development stages are crucial. One of the most common methodologies for quantifying sustainability is life cycle assessment (LCA). Today we have a special guest - Bill Flanagan to give us great insight into Sustainability in our industry. Found inside – Page 1921In a personal memoir, the author describes her relationships with the two men closest to her--her father and his brother, Joseph, a charismatic pastor with whom she lived after her parents emigrated from Haiti to the United States. The comparison of OPTIMA scenarios to conventional scenarios shows rather similar patterns of advantages and disadvantages. 9.2, there are 187 publications in the Web of Science database from 2007 to May 2019, when “LCSA” is used as the keyword to do the search. Practical application of LCSA requires integration of various methods, tools, and disciplines. 2012 Jul;30(7):708-19. doi: 10.1177/0734242X12444896. This differs from conventional business practices . direct labor (technology-specific labor) created. thinking has emerged as a useful tool in sustainability to consider the total impacts of an activity, product, or service from its origin to its end. where f1(x,y)…fk(x,y) denotes the functions consisting of conflicting multiobjectives (e.g., economic targets and environmental sustainability). The former is used to predict the progress and the product compositions along the reaction, whereas the latter, also denoted as zero-dimensional, can be used to project the theoretical efficiency and achievable yields of desired end-reaction products based on assumption that reacting systems reach steady state with minimized Gibbs Free Energy (maximized entropy) (Ahmad et al., 2016; Ahmed et al., 2015; Arora et al., 2017). These life cycle comparisons were comprehensively assessed regarding many sustainability aspects, which led to results for many sustainability indicators. Found insideHelps aspiring college students discover where their strengths truly lie and how to develop them to reach their full potential at school and later in the real world. Many label printers are struggling with the question how to respond to customer . The impact associated with an individual site can be simplified by reducing n to 1; and if land use is not accounted for, the equation can be simplified by removing the terms associated with greenfield sites. All the methods can help the decision-makers/stakeholders to select the most sustainable biofuel production pathway. Environmental costs can also be calculated in respect of acidification, eutrophication, land use, or other measurable impacts (EC, 2016). (2018) proposed a life cycle sustainability framework using aggregated sustainability indices for residential modular buildings. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) identifies, quantifies and evaluates the environmental impacts (inputs and outputs) of a product, service or activity, from cradle to grave. Bring new perspectives to strategic discussions. The first phase is “goal and scope definition,” which includes defining the objectives of the study and setting the system boundaries. Indicators and results from these separate assessments are subsequently combined to form an overall picture. At the same time, most other environmental impacts are worse than for conventional provision of the same products. We believe the section will provide a platform for IE scholars already working in this field and may draw new perspectives and scholars to the field of IE. If you are an engineer, or a company that manufactures products, then this systematic analysis of the potential . >�G����(�n+ze�u/b��Y�U�y�F6�bJw0���wHa�0�P@ �����/d-U'I��#˸2�&G��i���Wr��F�';��q?DL��y!=�,V$qRij�mj�P���ȝ���F ��Lʛڣ�fq>J��w�3����N��G5썣qc�JW)�c���T��IO�맠Ҝ���I}�w����]�Ǵu��Ĥ��9�M��yȍj�?9��$Bv���)itW2尹��?^oq$�-���{P�4y���sZ$�F�N�콹:�x�i4J�㭣 Found inside – Page 1Written by two pioneers of LCA, this practical volume is targeted at first-time LCA users but equally makes a much-valued reference for more experienced practitioners. In addition, this paper discussing the determination of proper parameters involved in developing methodology for assessing its sustainability. The primary GHG impact of redeveloping a number of brownfield sites can be estimated as follows (Hou et al., 2018): where n is the total number of contaminated sites; αi is the conversion factor for contaminant degradation at the ith site contributing to GHG emissions, in kg/kg; Mi is the total amount of organic contaminants at the ith site, in kg; βi is the emission factor difference at the ith brownfield site contributing to net GHG emissions due to land use change, in kg/ha-year; Ai is the total area of the ith contaminated site, in hectares (ha); Tp is the duration of primary impact associated with landscape change, in years; Air is total area of the ith greenfield site, in hectares (ha), replacing the ith contaminated site; χi is the emission factor difference at the ith greenfield site contributing to net GHG emissions due to land use change; Tpr is the duration of the primary impact associated with the landscape change at the greenfield site. ); or. Taking the economic and social dimensions into consideration for a comprehensive life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) is necessary and so far in its infancy. The impact on water resources is negative if irrigation is needed. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is the most commonly used process for evaluating the environmental performance of products. h�b```f``z�������A���2�,>������z�z&��1j2(K000:1��a;�p=.��Y����g/�!���߆T�Xd����12���7�Sev���I��69v�q�9 Y���7x&}�d�~�$���HA!�:8�t"�J'�HlL�H�u�\&FZ��Q����E@%0�P0I������7�1�bI��o��繫j��cb��8�Y����@2@�?G�D����)�����N3�@W���LH�e��+xW�2�cJ�H�1�^��ȳ�0 ��^ endstream endobj 877 0 obj <>>> endobj 878 0 obj <> endobj 879 0 obj <> endobj 880 0 obj <>stream In general, biorefinery process simulation is a model-based representation of chemical, physical, biological, and other technical processes and unit operations in software. The position requires detailed knowledge/experience in life cycle . David O'Connor, Deyi Hou, in Sustainable Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater, 2020. Martín-Gamboa et al. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (ELCA) that was developed about three decades ago demands a broadening of its scope to include lifecycle costing and social aspects of life cycle assessment as well, drawing on the three-pillar or 'triple bottom line' model of sustainability, which is the result of the development of the Life Cycle . Demonstration of models is provided using case studies found in literature. The investigations involve all the agricultural, construction, and industrial sectors with the research scale from local to global. Moreover, the indicators in environmental, economic, and social categories are usually employed to measure sustainability; however, Ren and Lützen (2015) held the view that the indicators in political and technological aspects should also be incorporated in sustainability assessment due to the interacted and interdependent relationships among the indicators in the three pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic, and social aspects) and that of social and technological aspects. The final phase is the interpretation of the inventory and impact assessment results in order to answer the objectives of the study (Hellweg et al., 2014). Life cycle sustainability assessment of electrified road systems R. Balieu, F. Chen∗ and N. Kringos KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (Received 26 … Requirements and guidelines are given for: - Definition of the goal and scope of the LCA - Life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase - Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase Life cycle assessment (LCA) is the factual analysis of a product's entire life cycle in terms of sustainability. Our work offers life-cycle analyses frameworks for probabilistic assessment of sustainability indicators incurred throughout a system's life-time, along with … The tertiary impact in GHG emission for a number of sites can be estimated using the following equation (Hou et al., 2014): where Gu represents the emission factor for construction of new utilities during redevelopment (ton CO2 eq per $); Uib and Uig represent the construction costs of new utilities ($) in brownfield redevelopment and greenfield development, respectively; GR represents the emission factor for construction of new roads during redevelopment (ton CO2 eq per $); Rib and Rig represent the construction costs of new roads ($) in brownfield redevelopment and greenfield development, respectively; GC represents the emission factor for the average daily residential commute to/from the redeveloped site to/from work (ton CO2 eq per km); Cib and Cig represent the average residential daily commute distance (km/day) to/from work for the brownfield redevelopment and greenfield development, respectively; Tc represents total number of commuting days within the study period; GE represents the emission factor for energy use by residents living at the site (ton CO2 eq per unit energy); Eib and Eig represent average annual energy consumption by residents of brownfield redevelopments and greenfield developments, respectively; TE represents the total number of years of residential energy consumption within the study period. Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment. Sustainability Interview - Life Cycle Assessment. The Sustainability Life Cycle Assessment Practitioner helps support Goodyear's Better Future strategy, and efforts to evaluate sustainability related to business actions and reducing the footprint of the Goodyear portfolio (including products, services and supply chain). In other words, scenario analysis should contain a sufficient breadth of scenarios to cover the entire likely range of possibilities. In this study, the authors integrated LCA and LCC results into one inclusive impact index (Triple I) in order to make it easier to communicate with one comprehensive index. Fatih University, 2010 M.S. Categories: carcinogens, respiratory organics, respiratory inorganics, climate change, radiation, ozone layer, ecotoxicity, acidification/eutrophication, land use, minerals, fossil fuels, Total workers, direct ML workers, dir female ML workers, dir workers, dir female workers, child labor, foreign workers, holiday, work shift of people in management department, work shift of people in production, working hours, number of fatal accidents, lost workdays for injury or illness, number of accident at work, family benefits, average wage of female workers, average wage of male workers in production, minimum wage of workers in production, Embodied energy, indicator of global warming, indicator of human toxicity potential, indicator of photochemical oxidation, indicator of acidification, indicator of eutrophication, Extraction costs, manufacturing costs, finishing costs, waste disposal costs, electricity costs, revenues, Number of employees, number of female workers, number of workers with limited contracts, number of accidents, percentage of child labor, labor hours per week, Indicators of CML 2001. By doing so, a more intuitive grasp of the relative importance of each of the parameters is provided to decision-makers. Towards a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment shows how it is possible to combine them into an integrated assessment and outlines how they can be used to contribute … SLCA can be described as an assessment tool and an accompanying process that gives you a strategic overview of the full scope of social and ecological sustainability at the product level. Design for Sustainability through a Life Cycle Assessment Conceptual Framework Integrated within Product Lifecycle Management FUBRUARY 2018 Renpeng Zou, B.S., DALIAN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY M.S.M.E., UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST Directed by: Professor Sundar Krishnamurty The field consists of many different schools of thought and techniques, with intense debate between those different schools. Practical application of We ground the entire course on the goal of making human activities, from the personal to the global, truly sustainable. In the first phase of our Life Cycle Assessment, we define what exactly we want to analyze - and how deep we want to go with our analysis. The leading standards for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) are ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. All incoming and outgoing material and energy flows are included in the life-cycle inventory and the emissions generated over . The scenarios show high advantages if regionally produced biomass is used in comparatively small-scale units. Life cycle A view of a process from its beginning to its end. This section is intended for those working in the field of LCA and LCSA, for those interested in promoting life-cycle thinking, and also for those interested in bringing various life-cycle based tools together and linking them to appropriate questions and applications. Students learn to use and apply professional software tools and databases that address both social and environmental impacts in global supply chains. Nzila et al. However, in practice, sustainability assessors will often omit tertiary impacts due to the practical difficulties of data collection and quantification for tertiary impact assessment. Another two discussed waste recycling: one is about the different packaging waste collection systems (only presenting the environmental and social impacts) (Yıldız-Geyhan et al., 2019) and the other one is about the solid waste reutilization (more about industrial symbiosis) (Brondi et al., 2018), but again, not focusing on utilizing the waste to produce energy. GP, 25% IRR), access to markets, CO, Production of feedstock, identification of stakeholders, rural development and infrastructure, labor conditions (enforcement), competition with other sectors, Carbon footprint, water withdrawal, energy consumption, hazardous waste generation, indicators of fishery, grazing, forestry, cropland, CO, Import (foreign purchase), GOS (business profit), GDP, Employment, income, injuries, government tax, Indicators of global warming, acidification, eutrophication, ozone depletion, ecotoxicity, fossil fuel depletion, smog formation, water use, human health, Material production cost, construction costs, repair/replacement costs, end-of-life costs, Direct employment, total employment (direct indirect), injuries, fatalities due to large accidents, imported fossil fuel potentially avoided, diversity of fuel supply mix, Vehicle ownership cost, contribution to GDP, Employment generation, human health impacts of air pollution and climate change. Bio-refineries are promising production options of chemicals production, capable to produce a wide range of fuels and chemicals equivalent to the conventional fossil-based products. mature approach, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), is used to evaluate the environmental burdens. Found insidePavement, Roadway, and Bridge Life Cycle Assessment 2020 will be of interest to researchers, professionals, and policymakers in academia, industry, and government who are interested in the sustainability of pavements, roadways and bridges. However, even if LCSA has been considered one of the most common methods to evaluate the sustainability of products or processes it suffers a lack of clear indicators selection (Neugebauer et al., 2015), and sometimes a lack of a clear definition of an indicator. Definition. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) identifies, quantifies and evaluates the environmental impacts (inputs … LCC is an economic tool for decision-making and in particular it is used to evaluate the costs associated with an item in its whole life cycle, from its conception and fabrication through operations to the end of life. Life cycle sustainability assessment is a type of sustainability assessment that focuses on the impact of industrial production systems on AoPs. The following year Kloepffer (2008) proposed two options to develop a LCSA in a paper that can be considered an important milestone in the history of this methodology. For instance, in the case of a manufactured product, environmental impacts are assessed from raw material extraction and processing (cradle), through the product's manufacture . The integrated sustainability assessment is based on a life cycle comparison of providing a certain product either from biomass by processes studied in OPTIMA or from mostly fossil resources by conventional processes. As the LCC expands from the financial LCC (fLCC) to the environmental LCC (eLCC) to the social LCC (sLCC), the system boundary expands and starts including activities whose financial equivalents are increasingly uncertain. Jingzheng Ren, ... Ruojue Lin, in Biofuels for a More Sustainable Future, 2020. It addresses impacts on sustainability throughout a product’s life cycle from raw material acquisition through production, use, end-of-life treatment, recycling, and final disposal. For example, in the SSIMT model, "Sustainable Solutions for Bridge Infrastructure Subjected to Multiple Threats . von Wirén-Lehr (2001) assessed the sustainability in agriculture by aggregating seven goal-oriented concepts. With these developments, LCA has been evolving into a new framework called Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA). Society: Regionality has strong implications for social impacts and can be made a strength of the assessed value chains. The goal is developing an integrated 6D model able to conduct the buildings life cycle sustainability assessment automatically to help buildings designers and support decisionmakers. That is why WAP Sustainability. However, different pathways for the production of biofuels have different production costs, different environmental impacts, and different social contributions, thus, the sustainability performances of different pathways for biofuel production are different. For Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Sustainable ROI (S-ROI) Our Mission is to Empower Our Clients. Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) comprised of life cycle assessment (LCA), an economic life cycle analysis (ELCA, also called “life cycle costing”), and social life cycle assessment (SLCA) has been recognized as a promising methodology for sustainability assessment and measurement of biofuel production pathways from life cycle perspective (Berriel et al., 2018). However, the application of LCSA in the WtE field is rare to date. All life cycle steps are included in the assessment, from raw material extraction to end-of-life management. 13.4) using surrogate-based modeling techniques (Boukouvala and Floudas, 2017; Caballero and Grossmann, 2008). (2013). Found insideCurrently the writing on the subject is limited and comprises, for the most part, guidance documents and completed assessments. Differentiate your product in the market place using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology that is based in cutting-edge science and widely supported by industry, government, academia, and environmental groups. The authors applied a multi-criteria procedure based on the sustainability index rating composed of linear aggregative functions. This paper reviews actual sustainability assessments in the construction sector to define whether and how a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) is applied … Subsequently, the influence of various changes in, for instance, crop yield, fuel price, distribution distance, coproduct prices, biodiesel production technology was also discussed. Found insideClearly defining environmental LCC, this book balances scientific and econom Sphera Product Sustainability (GaBi) databases are accurate, comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) databases, largely built on high quality industry data. The ILCSA procedure follows the principle of life cycle thinking and builds on and extends the procedure defined for LCAs in ISO standards 14040:2006 and 14044:2006 (ISO, 2006a,b). Potential of country not passing labor laws. (2009) outlined the approach to the evaluation of sustainability of current and future electricity supply options by multicriteria decision analysis. sLCA, as a tool used to assess the social aspect of sustainability, differs from approaches that have been used previously to assess the social impacts of WtE . A life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) was performed to compare common dust mitigation strategies with EICP across a variety of environmental impacts and cost. The assessment tool most widely used for this is the environmental Life Cycle Assessment, or LCA. Before you is the new Handbook of LCA replacing the previous edition of 1992. 510.452.6817 |. Moreover, in a recent study, Wang et al. Roth et al. The starting point for this approach is the established methodology of LCA, aimed at assessing environmental impacts of product life cycles (Petersen 2015). Kamali et al. Found insideEnvironmental Life Cycle Assessment is a pivotal guide to identifying environmental problems and reducing related impacts for companies and organizations in need of life cycle assessment (LCA). Support to decision makers in Thailand as an example, in Biofuels for More... Analyze the sustainability linked to the need to perform a holistic assessment across the three pillars of sustainability yields large... Sustainability question conversion plants are involved, impacts are worse than for conventional provision of rural... End-Of-Life management service and tailor content and ads ) was usually combined with LCSA for sustainability of. Boukouvala and Floudas, 2017 ) combined life cycle comparisons were comprehensively assessed regarding sustainability. 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